Avoid new on-site fines under
AlbertA's oH&s ticketing system
New editioN
HANDI-GUIDE to AlbErtA's oH&s Act, rEGUlAtIoN
AND coDE – 2014 EDItIoN
Stiff fines for workers and employers caught violating workplace safety codes is the
new reality under historic changes to Alberta's Occupational Health and Safety Act
legislation. Protect your company and employees with HANDI-GUIDE to Alberta's
oH&s Act, regulation and code – 2014 Edition.
New iN this editioN
• As of october 1, 2013, oHs officials can issue administrative penalties for oHs
violations, up to a maximum of $10,000 per contravention per day
• As of January 1, 2014, oHs officials can issue tickets to workers or employers for
more than 60 different contraventions. ticket amounts range from $100 to $500
• In addition to the administrative penalties amendments, other amendments to the
OH&S Act made by Bill 6 (S.A. 2012, c. 7) (in force December 10, 2012)
• Addition of Administrative Penalty (Occupational Health and Safety Act) Regulation,
AR 165/2013 (in force October 1, 2013)
• Amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation made by AR 182/13
(in force October 1, 2013)
orDEr # 986066-65203 $35.95
Softcover coil bound approx. 430 pages November 2013 978-0-7798-60661
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