Canadian Occupational Safety

Aug/Sep 2016

Canadian Occupational Safety (COS) magazine is the premier workplace health and safety publication in Canada. We cover a wide range of topics ranging from office to heavy industry, and from general safety management to specific workplace hazards.

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Fort McMurray clean-up crew's health in danger Workers complaining of toxic exposures in wildfi re aftermath I t has been four months since a wildfi re called the "Beast" began just outside Fort McMurray, Alta. The fi re that swept through the community and continued to burn for a month was eventually put out. The fi re left a path of destruction visible from space. Premier Rachel Notely articulated her commitment to support the town, the municipality and its residents on May 9 when she said, "The city was surrounded by an ocean of fi re only a few days ago. But Fort McMurray and the surrounding communities have been saved. And they will be rebuilt." The reality of what happened is now becoming more evident. People have fi nally been allowed to go back home and the town and municipal- ity have put in place plans to start the clean-up and reconstruction. But questions remain regarding the best timing for workers and volunteers to get in there and help get the cleanup done. The exact resourcing needed is diffi cult to determine. The urge to just get in there and try to make everything right is strong, but it is not as simple as that. We need to approach this with thought, care and caution. The health risks associated with this work are unusual, and toxic exposures by clean- up crews, volunteers and residents who are unprepared and unsuspecting can be signifi cant. We learned the hard way from the 9-11 cleanup and the Hurricane Katrina cleanup that the health risk to workers, volunteers and returning resi- dents can be long-lasting. In fact, these risks can become a second wave of tra- gedy and suffering. A study published in December 2012 in The Journal of the American Medical Association suggested the likely association between expos- ure to the World Trade Center debris and excess cancer risk. Risks for clean- up workers and returning residents to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina included exposure to toxic and bio- logical contaminants in the hip-deep sludge water. After disasters like these, asbestos, lead, mould, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are often present. Further, specifi c carcinogens associated with uncontrolled burning called polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are likely contaminants that will be encountered. We also know wildfi re smoke, and ash in particular, can heavily impact remaining residential dwellings, com- mercial retail spaces, offi ce buildings, hospitals and schools. These concerns are further exacerbated by the fact that many synthetic household materials and likely commercial chemicals will have been partially burned during the fi res resulting in particularly toxic residues. Large blazes leave a legacy of caustic ash, toxic heavy metals (arsenic, lead) and dioxin and furans (potent carcinogens) at elevated levels. Now it appears that history is repeating itself in the Fort McMurray cleanup. There is evidence that, in many cases, employers are forging ahead with the cleanup without the right knowledge about the hazards. A Calgary Sun article reported work- ers were exposed to ash and ozone gas during a botched cleanup job. A worker working on the cleanup effort for an Abbotsford, B.C.-based com- pany had to return home due to an infl amed bronchi because of poor worker exposure controls and insuffi - cient training or equipment to handle the hazards. The CBC reported on June 23 the Alberta government had to step in and investigate numerous unusual com- plaints about work safety violations in Fort McMurray, after several work- ers went public with concerns over the working conditions to which wildfi re clean-up workers are being exposed. In these cases, the specialized equipment was either not being provided or work- ers were not being given the necessary education and training to recognize the hazard, understand the health risks and use the equipment properly. What is needed is a controlled pro- cess and a safe system of work. The fi rst step in the process is to recognize the hazards. In the fi eld of occupational hygiene, we also know it is essential to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the individual exposure if controls are to be properly prescribed. Inhalation, inadvertent ingestion and skin exposure are all possible routes of entry. The health risks are serious. The concern is that it can be diffi cult, costly and time consuming to identify the types and levels of contamination. But the risk cannot be ignored. What is needed is a process of assessment such that we can ensure the work methods and controls employed are protective of the health of people working on the cleanup, all building occupants and other residents. The process for designing a safe system of work for the clean-up crews and volunteers is no different than what is used to ensure the health and safety of people doing regular work. We need to ensure there is good plan- ning in place, including completing fi eld-level hazard assessments and developing health and safety control strategies before work starts. We need good communication and a high-level work plan with suffi cient detail to give appropriate guidance right down to the front-line workers. We need a pro- cess to educate these people about the hazards, the associated risks of expo- sure and the need to follow procedures and use the controls specifi ed, includ- ing personal protective equipment. The required resources are being determined and amassed right now for the Fort McMurray cleanup. There is a role for occupational hygienists and all safety professionals to assist. We need to "look before we leap" and properly assess the work to be completed if the health legacies asso- ciated with this type of work are to be avoided in Fort McMurray. Glyn Jones is a partner at EHS Partnerships in Calgary and the regional vice-president of Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut for the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering. He is a consulting occupational health and safety professional with 30 years of experience. He also provides program design and instructional support to the University of New Brunswick's OHS certifi cate and diploma programs. He can be reached at 10 Canadian Occupational Safety GLYN JONES TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT GLYN JONES TRAINING 1-800-295-5510 ON THE JOB SAFETY π

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