Canadian Occupational Safety (COS) magazine is the premier workplace health and safety publication in Canada. We cover a wide range of topics ranging from office to heavy industry, and from general safety management to specific workplace hazards.
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22 Canadian Occupational Safety TOOLS OF THE TRADE PRODUCT FOCUS: HEARING PROTECTION, SAFETY FOOTWEAR HEARING PROTECTION/SAFETY FOOTWEAR OHS PRODUCTS TINY NOISE METER The new CEL-350 dBadge from Casella CEL is a micro noise dosim- eter designed to measure noise exposure of workers throughout the workday to detect hazardous areas. Many industrial professionals have tried personal dose badges and found they compromise performance for a smaller size, the company said. e new CEL-350 dBadge features a built-in display, cable-free archi- tecture, simultaneous measurement of both OSHA and ISO parameters, and faster battery recharging — all contained within a small, unobtru- sive housing that weighs just two ounces. A worker can comfortably wear the CEL-350 dBadge all day by attaching it to a shirt, overalls or hardhat. e instrument is operated with only two buttons located on its side. Auto-calibration is performed with any standard acoustic calibra- tor — no other setup is needed, the company said. Once in operation, the unit captures a time history for every noise event, including average noise level and peak value, which is logged in one-minute values for later analy- sis. Its 64kb memory stores up to 180 hours of data. AMPLIFIER EARMUFFS Honeywell Safety Products new spe- cial version of the Howard Leight Impact Sport MIL sound amplifi ca- tion earmuff provides passive hearing protection from fi rearms and other hazardous noise with enhanced situa- tional awareness. On the range and in the fi eld, personal hearing protection from fi rearms and other hazardous noises must be balanced with one's ability to hear range commands and maintain full situational awareness. rough sound management tech- nologies, the Howard Leight Impact Sport MIL enables wearers to safely protect themselves from a wide range of noise and to stay connected with their environment without compro- mising their target performance. Impact Sport employs built-in direc- tional microphones that amplify range commands and other ambient sounds up to a safe 82 dBA, providing more natural listening and enhancing com- munication. When ambient sound is above 82 dBA, the listening circuit automatically compresses the ambient sound down to a safe listening level. NO-SLIP HEELS Devisys Heel Stop's North American distributor Geroline Inc. says this product has many benefi cial features that do not currently exist in avail- able anti-slip products. e Intrinsic Devisys Heel Stop is easy to put on and take off and covers the most important part of the foot — the heel. e Intrinsic Devisys Heel Stop off ers convenience for the user as it does not have to be taken off when either driv- ing or climbing ladders. e product is made of industrial quality TR Rubber compound that remains fl exible even in extreme cold temperatures, and long-lasting tungsten carbide studs for spark resistance, the company said. It comes in small, medium, large, extra large and double extra large sizes. PREVENTION SOFTWARE SAP AG has launched the SAP Inci- dent Management rapid-deployment solution, which helps customers avoid dangerous and costly workplace accidents. SAP Incident Management allows organizations to quickly set up a company-wide incident man- agement process to avoid accidents. With analytics and a dashboard to visualize data, the rapid-deployment solution guides companies through the investigative process of helping environmental, health and safety, and operations professionals better understand why past incidents have occurred and how to prevent future ones from reoccurring, the com- pany said. As a rapid-deployment solution, the incident management functionality of the SAP EHS Man- agement application is packaged with so ware, pre-confi gured content and pre-defi ned services that streamline the implementation process at a fi xed price and within a designated timeframe. Companies can have a full system up and running typically within 90 days with fewer costs and risks, SAP AG said. COST-SAVING ERGONOMICS e new P3 All-Around level loader from Presto Li s is economical as well as ergonomic, the company said. ough it requires no electri- cal power and little maintenance, the P3 All-Around level loader virtually eliminates bending, li ing, reaching and stretching common to pallet- loading applications. e pneumatic airbag of the P3 All-Around automat- ically lowers or raises a pallet as boxes are added or removed, maintaining the top layer at a convenient height. e turntable ring — or optional solid turntable platform — at the top of the unit allows users to spin the load so they can stand in the same spot throughout the process. e stable base is smaller than most competing equipment, which allows the user to step even closer to the unit's platform, further improving the ergonomic benefi ts of the P3. Fork pockets at the base allow for easy relocation. e P3 All-Around can accommodate loads from 400 to 4,500 lbs. 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